Saturday, June 14, 2014

Keep it Simple Continuing the Journey

Every time I eat it is a choice for the selections I make.  If I make what I call a bad decision I learn from it and move on.  Well that is the goal anyway it doesn't always happen sometimes I linger in that silent place wishing I could take it back and thinking about the choice I should have made.  Does it make me stronger to make the right choices all of the time or am I just human?  If I eat according to plan than I am good, but is it fair to beat myself up when I don't?  What is the real issue is it the control and the strength I feel?  The biggest thing that the program I went on Pump and shred taught me is it changed my relationship with food it does not have to be good or bad.  It doesn't have to be feast or famine.  It is the balance that I now feel of getting back to basics, but sure I have set backs I still feel guilty at times.  The biggest difference is the acknowledgement of realizing of what I am doing to myself when I feel guilty breaking myself down.  I have dealt with food issues ever since high school maybe even Junior High this may root back to elementary school.  In High School I had to see a Nutritionist and even a Psychologist I had what they called an exercise eating disorder where any time I over ate or felt guilty I had to immediately work out and because of this I was driving myself crazy.  The Psychologist said it was my sense of control because I couldn't control other areas in my life such as my parents fighting.  At the time I thought this was absurd, but yes it is a sense of control.  The power is knowing that it does not have to be this way.  I don't have to feel guilty I really can have it all, but not all at once.  It is the balance that provides my freedom from this disgust and guilt.  The way that Pump and Shred helped me is it took the guess work away creating meal plans so I knew what I was eating.  After the program I have stuck with it, and I now know what a true portion size looks like so I don't overeat and I understand the difference.  I know that every meal will not be perfect, but I can always balance it out.  I know that diets don't start on Monday and every meal is a reset and a fresh start.  I can have dessert, I can eat carbs, and I don't have to feel bad about it what a concept.  I am not saying that the program is the only way find something that works for you; it is just an option.  I am letting you know that there is a freedom instead of dieting; change your lifestyle to fit your healthy.  I share my story because I know we all struggle with this in some ways or another, and I hope you understand the answer is to get back to basics and keep it simple!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Success in Clean Eating: Confession of a Desperate Mom; Martina's Story

Have you found yourself avoiding mirrors, posing for pictures, or perhaps refusing to go out because nothing fits you?

I have been there believe me on and off for years. As my very wise friend once told me to, "Love yourself first in order to love others". My friend does not know this, but it became my mantra later on and changed my life. In my head all these thoughts were confusing me because I wanted to love myself, but if I could only be thinner then I would feel better and like myself.  Does this sound familiar?  If only I get this then I would be happy whether it is weight loss, a career change, more money, kids whatever it is you fixate your life on this one thing in then what happens we get that one thing?  You want more if you place your life on outward happiness you will never find your inner joy.

As you can see I was desperate. I had to have a heart to heart with my head and my eating habits. The problem is that I worked out at least 3-5 times a week so as I reward I comforted myself with the reward of food with small doses of indulgence.  I would have pizza with salad; my thoughts were the salad cancels out the pizza right?  Well I played those excuse games until my annual check-up came with my doctor, and I had a reality check.   At my doctor's visit I asked my doctor for help out of frustration and not having anywhere else to turn.  I told the doctor I have been trying to lose weight, and I just cannot do it by myself.  I exercise and I try to eat right, but I JUST CAN'T DO IT! Help! Please!

The nice doctor said to me that it takes 21 days to learn a new habit. The habit he said is that it does matter what you put in your mouth on daily basis-no processed foods, no white flour, eat 80% of your daily intake before 5 pm or at least 4 hrs before bedtime..... blah blah blah... I have heard this before and the doc said, “I will give you this little pill to help.” What? Wait a minute here! Did you say a pill? Yes, he did; an appetite suppressor pill that is safe for short term usage and it will help to form the new habit of eating clean.  The first month I lost 15 lbs which is more than I lost in last 15 years!  It was the jump start I needed; do not be afraid to ask your doctor for help.  The doctor helped me in changing my eating habits and maintaining portion control and balance.  I have pizza, but I scrape the toppings off and eat it without the dough with some salad or veggies. I like potatoes, but I have also found that garlic cauliflower mashed potatoes are also very satisfying.

Some people say, "You are what you eat” or “You are what you repeat" sounds like a cliche, but mostly you are what God made you to be an individual with problems and faults so love yourself first.  I changed my eating habits, and I feel so much better.  I have more energy for me and my kids.  I can still indulge from time to time, but I know the difference and I only need a little to satisfy my craving.  It's a constant struggle do not beat yourself up; you have the choice to make healthy choices and every day is a new beginning.  Take the challenge, and I hope my story helps and inspires you to best your best self.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

You are what you eat do you believe this?

This topic has come up this week in a few conversations, and I thought it was time to share my thoughts.  We have all heard the term you are what you eat and you cannot out exercise a bad diet in the fitness world, but is it true?  I have also heard I work out to eat what I want.  So which is it you are what you eat or exercise takes care of a bad diet?  I can say personally I have done both on hard training days you eat whatever you want because you earned it, and I have also followed strict nutrition.  I know you have heard this before it is all about balance, and no you cannot out exercise a bad diet eventually you have to put yourself back on track to clean nutrition to see the results.  There are two puzzles to look at here are diet and exercise enough on their own?  The answer is no if you exercise you cannot reach your full potential with a bad diet and eating clean without exercise you do not build as much strength as you could with exercise.  I have a pretty rigorous workout schedule with keeping up with both CrossFit and Yoga and if I eat like crap I feel like crap it does matter how much I train.  With the holiday's coming up this is also a great topic because we all know we will indulge in some sort of treats whether it's candy, cookies, or just over eating until the point of sickness around the table with family.  So what happens after we indulge?  Do we continue to indulge until the holidays go away and then make it our New Year's resolutions to eat healthy?  No you have your treats and then go back to your clean eating right after you indulge because it is a balance.  Stick with what works for you on your own version of clean eating.  I have mentioned that I follow a Paleo type diet my preference where I do not eat processed foods, dairy, or grains because I feel better and I notice a huge difference in the way I feel and my performance in life and in work outs.  I have also recently added in beans for the fiber and balance it adds to my diet along with an occasional glass of wine and a cheat meal once a week if I feel the need followed by the book the 4-Hour Body.  A great book to read it you have the opportunity that talks about weight loss and much more.  Of course I cheat and I over indulge I am human, but it is what you do after that makes the difference.  It is a lifestyle and a constant struggle, but it is all about being your best self for you and others.  I hope this helps on understanding why both are important and gives you a place to go back to when you have your doubts.  Enjoy the holiday season food is not a reward it is a nutrition do not let it control you control it you have a choice.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

When is it enough to make you happy?

Do you ever look at your life and think about what and when you are the happiest?  We spend lots of time in life thinking about what will make us happy.  Example when I get this new job I will be happy, when I lose weight I will be happy, when I get a new car that will make me happy.  We are always searching for that next thing to make us happy that we do not stop to think about what we do have.  When is it enough?  You get the job and then what you get the car and then what.  It really can be exhausting if you stop to think about it.  A great quote I heard while watching the office Season Finale of all things was said by the character Andy Bernard that was so true and a great lesson.

Life is short we all get reminders of this every day.  Instead of spending your energy of wanting more be grateful.  Of course you have your goals, but do not base happiness on this treat it as it is a goal celebrate the success.  In Yoga it is a body, mind, and spirit experience each pose symbolizes your truth, your discipline, and your journey into yourself.  Pay attention to how you feel do you try to get out of the poses that make you uncomfortable.  Take this into your life what do you do when you are uncomfortable do you run away or try to overcome the obstacle?  I am guilty of all these things we all are.  It is the acknowledgement of knowing the difference.  Your happiness is not in things or people you have to find it within yourself your joy and take it into the world to share it with others.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

In the Midst of Chaos

I asked a question this week what do you do in the midst of chaos? I know there were many times this week when you questioned your reality. Is this really happening and why? The truth is there are no answers bad things happen and tragedies such as we experienced this week. First we had the Boston Marathon and then the West explosion no telling what else might have happened in your life this past week or the week before, but the question is how do you deal with it? Do you let it cripple you or do you move on even stronger? The best thing I heard this week was to look for the helpers quoted by Fred Rogers. “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” The events this week were tragic there is no denying that, but the good of the people how everyone came together and helped one another shows that there is good in the world. There is also the bad that we will experience, but let it bring us together as neighbors and friends instead of bitter. It is all in the perspective. We were not promised that everything would be perfect we will have pain, but help others get back on their feet in their time of need. Make sure you tell others how much they mean to you and live life with no regrets. We will never forget and we have a choice to stand together.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Live Life to the Fullest


This week has been a crazy challenging week filled with tears and laughter.  I lost my Grandfather at the age of 79 3 days after his Birthday who saw his last final day on earth on April 1st 2013.  It has been a hard week with ups and downs, and I am so grateful for my family and friends who were there for comfort and prayers.  Everyone handles death differently I choose to handle it day by day, and I am so grateful for the time we had together.  I spoke at his celebration of life today and delivered a message that I would also like to share with all of you since this is a part of my journey.

Papa was a hero to everyone who met him, and he will be remembered and cherished always.  The peace in his passing comes through knowing the embrace that took place in heaven when my mom and her daddy were together again in Heaven.  It is not a secret all of Papa's health problems the ups and the downs.  We did not know that this would be the time he would go to Heaven leaving us behind.  Papa was a strong man and fought until the end to stay on this Earth for all of us.  He was one of the most caring men who believed in family and held us all together which was a hard task in itself.  He brought us sanity and constant love in this crazy world. 

I had a long talk with Papa before he was laid to rest, and it gives me peace to share that memory.  During our talk he shared with me the struggles he had living life after my mom died.  It crushed his world losing a child my mother who is loved by so many, and he told me the only way he survived was the companionship of his dog Lost and our horse Gypsy when he was alone he would talk to them about his pain.

They were a true comfort in his life during a dark time.  We cried together and shared memories of mom, and how life has changed without her here.  We talked about how grateful he is for Ninny and he knows that it is hard on her him being sick.  He mentioned the speech I gave at my Mom's funeral and quoted a few things I said.  I told him that it was not me that the Lord was speaking through me to deliver a message and gave me strength to share with others in her memory.  He understood he was sick and he was tired and one day like all of us he would be laid to rest.  When I talked to Ninny the day he died I told her I would also like to speak at his funeral to share this message and honor him and his memory.  I wish I would have had a recorder to record our last conversation, but it gave me closure that he would be all right and so would we by carrying his strength in our own lives.

We watched him in his last final days as he continued to fight the pain it was too much to handle.  We told him to go rest and to join his Daughter in Heaven.  Papa had a strong faith and led a blessed life we are all stronger and better people for having him in our lives.  Enjoy the moments today and every day.  Death is a complicated experience it does not get earier it is just different your happiness changes and there is a hole that you cherish.  The best advice I ever received when my mom passed was it will always be a different king of happiness it's not good not necessarily bad just different.  We will all meet together again in Heaven.  Go with God Papa and join your eternal kingdom.

Papa never met a stranger everyone was a friend.  He could light up a room and left a lasting impression that will never be forgotten.  We are all put on this Earth for a reason find your purpose and live out your own legacy.  Every day is a gift it is not owed to us live life to fullest today and every day.

1. Love unconditionally
2. Live with integrity
3. Leave this world a better place

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

All In

Some may joke that you are drinking the Kool-Aid, but the moral of the story is CrossFit can change lives from a body and mind perspective.  You also may think it is strange that I love CrossFit and Yoga so much because you think they are so different, but in the overall scheme of things they can be one in the same.  CrossFit is a series of functional movements that also help you to be stronger in your everyday life.  It is a challenge, but every challenge is against you to get better, stronger, and faster.  The competition is fun, and if you want to be a part of it you can.  There is no denying the sport is exploding especially with ESPN covering the CrossFit games, but it is the sense of community and change that keep others wanting more and anticipating the next work out.  Yes it is hard, but the reward of completing the work out of the day is amazing.  This year is the first year I am competing in the CrossFit games so some may say I am all in.  I am no longer dancing around whether or not to get on board with CrossFit.  Last weekend I watched others compete in my gym for the Open workout of the week and wow you have never seen so much determination and passion.  It was a very motivating experience that solidifies the meaning of being a CrossFitter.  I understand if you do not want to get on board and may or may not think it is a fad, but I am here to tell you because of the changes it makes in lives it is here to stay.  CrossFit with everything there is a balance and it is meant to make you better.  Do not beat yourself up just keep going it will all come together just like life it has its ups and down.  The last piece is nutrition and this is a very important piece.  When people start out they may complain about not seeing the results or ladies putting on too much muscle.  Since I started the strict Paleo challenge I have noticed how much food I don't need and my extra calories were making me bulky not the weights I was lifting.  I also cut out fruit extra sugar and nuts extra fat so I could see and feel the difference.  Nutrition and CrossFit go hand in hand to see results, but it is a long term change.  I would most definitely recommend CrossFit to others if you are looking to change your mind and body.  There are so many benefits and in the end you don't have to choose just choose your healthy.